This is the sequel to The Rear-Guard of the Revolution, published in 1886 under Gilmore's pseudonym, Edmund Kirke. In the first volume Gilmore traced the career of John Sevier (1745-1815) the popular Tennessee frontiersman, land speculator, and politician, from his arrival in the Tennessee country in the early 1770s until the end of the American Revolution. In this volume, originally published din 1887, Gilmore continued the chronicle of Sevier's life from 1783 until his death near Fort Decatur, Alabama.
Following the Revolutionary War, the American Congress asked the states with western lands to cede those lands to the national government. When North Carolina ceded its western territory in April 1784, the independent-minded settlers in the eastern portion of the ceded territory formed the de facto State of Franklin later that year. Though Sevier was initially opposed to the separate statehood movement, eh was elected the first governor of Franklin in March 1785.
As the only governor of Franklin, Sevier led the Franklinites through four years as they created a state government, established a militia, created new counties, provided for the levying of taxes, and negotiated a treaty with the Cherokee Indians. But the lack of Congressional support for Franklin, a general war with the Cherokees, and the presence of an anti-Franklin faction led by John Tipton spelled doom for the abortive state.
After North Carolina ratified the Constitution in 1789, Sevier was elected to the first Congress. In 1796 the ever-popular Sevier was elected the first governor of the new state of Tennessee. Following six terms as governor (1796-1801, 1803-1809) and one term in the state legislature,"Nolichucky Jack" was elected to three consecutive term sin Congress. Sevier died while serving as a commissioner appointed to determine the boundary between Georgia and Creek Indian territory in Alabama.