"Serve the Lord with Gladness" brings together two related meditations on priestly and liturgical service. The first meditation, entitled "Be My Priest", focuses upon the spiritual nurture necessary for those called to the priestly ministry. Both evangelical and eucharistic in its emphasis, the work proclaims that all true priesthood finds its sources and fulfillment in the person of Jesus Christ. The second meditation consists of a simple explanation of the Divine Liturgy. It leads the reader step by step through the unfolding eucharistic mystery, providing a profound spiritual vision of this most significant aspect of priestly service. These two meditations are to be read and re-read by anyone, whether ordained or lay, who is concerned with priestly ministry within the church. It aims to fill a need for a popular and highly accessible, yet deeply theological presentation of the most important features of both priesthood and eucharist.
Translated by: J. Breck