First published in 1999, this volume explores the issue of rural planning, which has become a complex activity in which policies in one area have important ramifications in other policy areas. It is thus very important for all those involved in rural planning affairs to remain not only up to date, but to place recent developments in a longer perspective.
This new series aims to answer all these needs by providing an accurate and informed account of recent developments in North American, British and European rural policy, and critiques of policy implementation and its impacts from new material and from analyses of published research findings.
This second volume in the series covers the last few years of the John Major administration until the election of the Tony Blair government in May 1997. It is divided into six chapters: overview of changes affecting all rural planning activities; the environment; town and country planning; extensive land uses; nature conservation and recreation; and social land economic issues.
The next British volume will cover the entire period of the current government, with successive volumes covering each new government as it unfolds.