These are all-new long adventures featuring Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, and other Disney characters. In Giuseppe Zironi's, "Project Vulcan," when creatures from a volcanic world attack Mouseton, it's up to Mickey, Morty and Ferdie to defend their homeland's future. Of course, when that future involves Eega Beeva, Mickey's pal from 2447, everything gets a little more...interesting! In "Crystal Ball," it's Donald Duck versus the volcano. Seeking his fortune, Donald is accidentally dropped onto an island run by the mad Doc Strangemind. The Doc intends to rule the world with the help of a powerful crystal. What can one duck do? Finally, in Michael T. Gilbert's "Colder than Ice," when Mickey is infected by a space virus causing him to absorb heat, everything freezes around him...from hot cocoa to a 10,000 degree laser beam. Will Mickey ever be able to hold hands with Minnie again?
Visual artist(s): Giuseppi Zironi, Toni Bancells, Joaquin Canizares Sanchez