Personality, psychopathology and emotional factors are intimately related to smoking, yet there are few efforts to integrate relevant findings in these areas. Taking a comprehensive, current and detailed view, this text develops an empirically-based model that reflects the multi-dimensional, individual-difference-related causal paths associated with smoking and its reinforcing and affect-modulating effects.; Starting with a review of models of smoking motivation, this volume then goes on to discuss effect and emotion, and the nature, biological bias and relationships among personality, temperament and psychopathology. Other chapters focus attention on questions of when, in whom and what mechanisms promote and reinforce smoking and tobacco use such as gender differences. Utilising the findings of these chapters, the integrative biopsychosocial STAR Model Of Smoking Effects And Motivation Is Presented And Its Implications are examined.; As the percentage of smokers in the general population decreases, a growing number of those continuing to smoke will be even more difficult to reach. Such individuals will benefit from the individualised and intensive interventions suggested here. This text is intended to be of use to psychologists, psychiatrists, physicians, epidemiologists, sociologists and other health professionals.