Every project has opponents who try to manipulate it so that the result better suits them. A naive idea? Hardly! People have the inclination to adjust truth to suit themselves and thus serve their own interests: more power, more income, more respect.
Even though it is rampant, little attention has been paid until now to the art of undermining and manipulating projects. And yet many millions of Euros a year are squandered as a result of project sabotage. If more attention is given to the motivation and methods of project saboteurs, this will lead to large savings and better project results.
This book explains how to sabotage a project, the motivations that guide the project saboteur, the alliances the project saboteur might make, and most importantly, how to stop him. It includes real-life case studies, examples, and helpful check lists and tables to determine if there's a project saboteur at work. They're out there, and now you know how to kill them - we accept no legal responsibility for your actions as a result.