Critical thinking values, knowledge and skills are integral to evidence-based practice in the helping professions. Those working in this area must be able to think clearly, on a daily basis, about decisions that may have a major impact on their clients' lives. Critical Thinking for Helping Professionals, 3rd Edition, is designed to engage readers as active participants in honing their critical thinking skills, learning a coherent decision-making process, and comprehending its underlying principles.
There are many books on evidence based practice and critical thinking, but none integrate the two as well as Eileen Gambrill and Leonard Gibbs, two renowned professors and evidence-based practice thinkers. And no others provide such a variety of hands-on exercises, with their rich opportunities to learn how to implement vital steps in making important decisions. In addition to the exercises, the authors incorporate unique material exploring the use of propaganda in the helping professions, which is integrated with discussions of related research on judgment, problem solving, and critical thinking. For students in social work, nursing, counseling, and similar areas, this new edition of a unique textbook is a fun and mentally stimulating way to sharpen and maximize their innate decision-making skills and their abilities to apply an evidence-based approach to their daily work, so that their clients will get the best care possible.