Children between the ages of 10 and 15 experience biological, behavioural and social changes as dramatic and important as those of the toddler years. This comprehensive guide to mastering the ups and downs of early adolescence draws on the findings of leading psychologists and other experts, as well as the authors' surveys of many teachers, parents and young adolescents. It aims to show that children crave attention from parents at this age, the last stage of development where parental influence is strong. The authors seek to help parents to understand: a pre-teen's developing intellect, idealism and activism; distorted body images and the real aches of growing bodies; raging emotions and tensions; the battle for independence and the boundaries of their independence; distraction, disorganization and disinterest; making learning easier and more fun in order to help pre-teens thrive in school; how to teach pre-teens independent thinking to combat peer pressure; and how to protect pre-teens from the dangers of drugs, alcohol and premature sex without being authoritarian.