A comprehensive guide to the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights aka the TRIPS Agreement, presented in three parts: Part I provides a detailed, chronological and analytical overview of the evolution of the TRIPS Agreement; Part II provides article-by-article analysis of the text of the Agreement; Part III contains the Annexes - documents referred to within the Agreement which complete the Agreement, and other relevant source documents. * Principal function of the book is to provide a complete set of information to understand the unique mixture of trade rules and intellectual property concepts that are the TRIPS Agreement. * Subject matter is the TRIPS Agreement - the most comprehensive international agreement on intellectual property to date. * Approach is analytical, documenting the genesis of the Agreement and the evolution of the text. * Author Daniel Gervais was actively involved in the TRIPS Agreement negotiations in 1990-91 as consultant and legal officer with the World Trade Organization, bestowing a unique authority on this book.