Strategies for Prosecuting Internet Pornography Cases is an authoritative, insiders perspective on the key methods for investigating Internet crime cases involving pornographic material and bringing these cases to court. Featuring two of the nation's leading Internet crime prosecution experts, this book guides the reader through the process of prosecuting an Internet pornography case, from uncovering technological evidence of possession of child pornography on a computer to effectively presenting this evidence in court. Breaking down the most commonly used defense strategies in these cases, the authors offer up their best practices on receiving training on Internet pornography investigation procedures and translating that knowledge to the courtroom in a trial, including understanding how computer data is stored and explaining these complex systems effectively to a jury. These experts also share their advice on coping with the emotional toll associated with these cases. The different niches represented and the breadth of perspectives presented enable readers to get inside some of the great legal minds of today, as these experienced lawyers offer up their thoughts around the keys to navigating this sensitive area of law.