/*0205445683 Gazda, Human RElations Development 7e*/Given the critical and ever-increasing importance of collaboration and co-teaching, effective home-school partnerships, and nurturing teacher-student relationships, the need has never been greater for this new edition of Human Relations Development. This much-lauded text is a skills training manual for improving interpersonal communication, focusing on human relations between teachers and their students, parents, peers, and the general public. The emphasis of the text is that <169>interpersonal communication and human relations<170> is one of four generic life-skills, an essential skill of all educators. Core conditions of empathy, respect, warmth, concreteness, genuineness, appropriate self-disclosure, confrontation, and immediacy are addressed and applied chapter by chapter. Scales for each of these conditions are included so that trainees can learn how to rate their level of functioning both globally and specifically. Issues of the changing roles of educators and theory/applications of multicultural issues in schools and the classroom are also discussed. Special Education applications are included in each chapter.