This is a reference book for all those working in general practice, immunization centres and paediatric wards. The book gives a thorough introduction to immunization along with the full current schedule of routine immunization in the UK, USA, Australia and New Zealand and the expanded programme on immunization (EPI) internationally. Each vaccine is then presented separately including contraindications, local and general side and adverse effects, clear administration advice, special precautions and notes, vaccine availability and storage advice. A description of the infection caused by the disease follows, together with data on notifications and immunization coverage.
This edition also includes an updated audit section and a greatly increased section on Travel Health. The latter includes information on travel clinics, general and legal advice, particular advice for travellers who may be more at risk, eg. elderly, diabetic, disabled. Additionally there is an extensive section informing the returned traveller, and another specifically about malaria. At the end of the book there is a variety of general information for the traveller such as Embassies and High Commissions in London and a World travel advice checklist.