Jonathan Edwards was just an ordinary American boy but he was different too.
The country he lived in wasn’t the America of today – but a new world full of adventure and opportunity. Battles and Tomahawks were just some of the thrilling adventures that his family lived through.
But Jonathan also loved the small things in life too. In an age of scientific discovery, Edwards saw God’s beauty displayed most perfectly through nature. His journals are filled with drawings of plants, animals, and spiders because he knew that each one of them reflected the creativity of its Creator.
His mind was full of questions and he grappled for the answers. Intellectually there were few to beat him. However it wasn’t just his amazing intelligence that set him apart from other boys his age – he may have had a thirst for knowledge but he also had a strong desire for the things of God. His genius and abilities teamed up well with his faith and love for the Lord Jesus Christ.
One day the country that would become the United States of America would look back at this man of brilliance as a founding influence on their land.
The Trailblazer’s series collects great stories from Christians of the past and delivers them to the young people of today. This gripping and astonishing story from Christian George will challenge young readers to trust God as Jonathan Edwards did.
A well–known and long–standing series:
Over 50 titles
Great for ages 9 to 14
Published in 14 languages
Half a million books sold
Also available in box sets when one book is not enough! 7 themed box sets, each with 5 books
Each biography follows the trailblazer’s journey to faith, and on to the work that God had planned for them. With lots of dialogue, these engaging stories show how God uses normal individuals to bring about his purpose.
Each book features:
Thinking Further Topics for each chapter to help readers think about how what they’ve read applies to their life today
Timeline of important events in the lifetime of each book’s subject