Make sure your pupils achieve two levels of progress in Key Stage 3.
A wealth of digital resources at your fingertips!
The English Progress ActiveTeach CD-ROM is a unique and invaluable resource that gives you instant access to a vast range of inspiring digital resources. Easily networked throughout your school, each ActiveTeach and BBC Active Clips Pack has been carefully designed to support your planning and teaching, and engage all of your pupils.
- Fully interactive version of the Pupil Book and Teachers File, which allows you to zoom into specificareas to focus attention and discussion.
- A wealth of digital resources including annotation tools for exploring text extracts, animated skills tutorials, interactive activities and stimulating BBC Active video footage help you to motivate and engage pupils.
- Plan and personalise your lessons quickly and effectively by creating your own folders of resources ideal for planning your own route through the course.
- Import links to your own resources, giving you an even broader bank of materials for lessons, all accessible from one place.