Aboard the stolen Absolution flagship, Icarus, Philip Arthur seeks revenge against the unseen prophet-killer beyond the Barrier, facing his demons as the ship pierces the void. But Philip Arthur was ever destined to fly too close to the sun...
The Station Master Aphestan is crossing galaxies to find Naveen, and his Cen-Dith army are unlike anything humankind has engaged before. As the sun boils and an unprecedented disaster threatens Earth, the timing could not be worse.
When the Barrier is crossed and a great deceit dissolves, the twin empires of humankind will know humility; while on Kiranis, as a familiar power moves towards the return of the Great Black Dragon...
...the secrets of the Universe are finally laid bare.
In Kiranis, Ronald builds a universe and populates it with characters - human and alien - of familiar proclivities and relatable ambitions. Of both darkness and light he writes, blurring the gray areas of morality amidst an unfolding chaos of universal proportions. The Kiranis series is big and bold, with underlying philosophies and dark insights intricately woven into an epic Space Opera. Merging Science Fiction tropes with Fantasy staples, Ronald weaves an epic story that redefines and reinvigorates both genres.