Welcome to the Darkness - the good kind. This is the kind that helps, the kind that heals, the kind that shows us the way. And we all need guidance from time to time. In Channel The Dark you will find work from writers new and established, as we embrace their literary voices in support of a worthy cause. Not all works in this volume are analogous of a dark experience in the lives of their respective writers, but all are part of a journey towards the light - a journey of triumph over adversity, of resilience over futility, and if personal enlightenment through the written word. From immersive Dystopian Sci-Fi to epic lyrical Fantasy; from contemporary allegory to analogous musings on fear and loss; and from fighting one's past to coming to terms with who you are, there is as much exploration of the human psyche to be found in these pages as there is humanity to be celebrated. Profits from this volume go directly to SOSAD Ireland, raising awareness of and helping to prevent suicide in Ireland.
Prepared for publication by: Ronald A. Geobey