This collection of papers from a meeting of the International Association for the study of Anglo-Irish Literature provides a comprehensive survey of the Irish theatre. Contents: Acknowledgements; Introduction. Jacqueline Genet; The Dangers and Difficulties of Dramatising the Lives of Deirdre and Grania. Richard Allen Cave; Actors in Barrels: Views on Vivid Words in Yeats's Plays. Margaret Rose; Beckett's Irish Theatre. Katharine Worth; The Image of Ireland in Nineteenth-Century Drama. Heinz Kosok; 'Nothing was Decided': Louis Macneice's Treatment of Irish History in^R They Met on Good Friday. Maureen S.G. Hawkins; 'The Heartbreak's Relevant': Dramatic and Poetic Qualities of John Hewitt's^R The Bloody Brae. Britta Olinder; Ireland and the Caribbean. Two Caribbean Versions of J.M. Synge's Dramas: Derek Walcott's^R The Sea at Dauphin and Mustapha Natura's The Playboy of the West Indies. Paul F. Botheroyd; James Joyce's Italian Translation of^R Riders to the Sea. Joan Fitzgerald; The Masks of Language in Translations. Lucia Angelica Solaris; The Worlds of Brian Friel. Patrick Rafroidi; Three Irish^R Antigones. Christopher Murray; The Theatre of Thomas Kilroy: Boxes of Words. Denis Sampson; Field Day's Fables of Identity. Patrick Burke; Language and Act: Thomas Murphy's Non-Interpretive Drama. Joseph Swann; Notes; Notes on Contributors; Index^R. Irish Literary Studies Series No. 33.