This second edition strictly follows the syllabus set by Nursing Council of India. As this syllabus effectively covers all paramedical courses, the book can be used as a reference for the same. The second edition covers all the necessary points of the relevant topics. Hence, the book is written in simple and easy-to-follow language with adequate hand drawn diagrams, tables and flowcharts to help the students follow the topic and memorize key points. At the end of each section, important exam-oriented questions are added.
Contains hand drawn figures that can be easily and effectively reproduced.
Provides examination-oriented questions at the end of each section.
Includes flowcharts and tables to illustrate the subject matter.
Highlights important terminologies and nomenclatures in bold.
Gives clinical application box at the end of each topic.
Useful for other paramedical courses as well.
Simple and lucid language for better understanding.