Considered to have contributed greatly to the pre-sizing of composite structures, Composite Materials: Design and Applications is a popular reference book for designers of heavily loaded composite parts. Fully updated to mirror the exponential growth and development of composites, this English-language Third Edition:
Contains all-new coverage of nanocomposites and biocomposites
Reflects the latest manufacturing processes and applications in the aerospace, automotive, naval, wind turbine, and sporting goods industries
Provides a design method to define composite multilayered plates under loading, along with all numerical information needed for implementation
Proposes original study of composite beams of any section shapes and thick-laminated composite plates, leading to technical formulations that are not found in the literature
Features numerous examples of the pre-sizing of composite parts, processed from industrial cases and reworked to highlight key information
Includes test cases for the validation of computer software using finite elements
Consisting of three main parts, plus a fourth on applications, Composite Materials: Design and Applications, Third Edition features a technical level that rises in difficulty as the text progresses, yet each part still can be explored independently. While the heart of the book, devoted to the methodical pre-design of structural parts, retains its original character, the contents have been significantly rewritten, restructured, and expanded to better illustrate the types of challenges encountered in modern engineering practice.