These well-respected authors provide a rationale for integrating computers into the classroom curriculum by using them as tool, rather than just an instructional delivery device. Accessible for even teachers with limited computer knowledge teachers are provided with a ten-step NTeQ (iNtegrating Technology for inQuiry) model for developing and implementing integrated lesson plans. Word processing, spreadsheets, databases, publishing software, the Internet, and educational software are all explored, with the goal of demonstrating how to determine whether or not computers should be used and how best to use them. Helping teachers connect what they are learning to their daily planning and instruction the content within each chapter is also aligned with the new ISTE National Educational Technology Standards for Students (NETS-S) and Teachers (NETS-T), revised in 2007 and 2008, respectively. A new feature throughout the book, The Teacher Diary, documents teacher experiences as they incorporate the NTeQ model in the classroom. The popular NTeQ Lesson Plans have also been expanded to be included in Chapters 7—11.