This book presents a review of recent developments in NMR applications in pharmaceutical research. Consideration is given to consolidated and emerging techniques and methods in NMR, many of which are not widely applied but are likely to provide new opportunities for drug design.
The first part of the book is dedicated to the description of NMR as a tool for the analysis of chemicals and interaction with targets. Particular emphasis is put on applications with unexploited potential for drug discovery and development. The next seven chapters describe NMR approaches to investigate in vivo models of interest in drug discovery and development, with the attention focused on anatomy, function, metabolism and molecular-cellular aspects. Finally, consideration is given to the application of in vivo NMR to the identification and characterization of biomarkers with the aim of monitoring the outcome of therapeutic intervention in selected human diseases, including the study of drug metabolism and toxicity.
Aimed at NMR spectroscopists and pharmaceutical scientists, this title will be invaluable at putting NMR within context in its role in drug discovery and development. This resource will be essential reading for those both new and already active in these areas.