This advanced text addresses system error analysis and performance accountability in a comprehensive and up-to-date manner. Covering a wide range of topics from instrumentation, sensors, and signal conditioning through digital conversion and signal reconstruction, the author employs model-based methods for characterizing the design and analysis of real-time computer I/O systems. Advanced Instrumentation and Computer I/O Design provides an improved understanding of computer interfacing and includes these key features:
Accurate data from the analog input circuits through the data conversion devices and output reconstruction components
Descriptions of component errors including average filter errors, signal quality errors and the intersample error representation and improvement of sampled-data signals
The extension to advanced interfacing and distributed I/O systems such as imaging and digital control
This book will be of particular interest to engineers, technologists, and scientists involved in the design, selection, or application of real-time computer I/O and its associated instrumentation for the broad tasks of measurement and control.