The thesis put forward in this book is that a dialogical perspective as found in the work of Martin Buber can be used as a frame for conceptualizing music-centered music therapy-or rather, for music as therapy, which is the term used here. Some might claim there is no such thing as "music as therapy," and that the only real therapy is some already established mode of therapy in which music plays a subordinate part (i.e., "music in therapy). In this book, the attempt is to show a different picture, one which includes also the possibility of music as therapy, that is to say, therapy based on qualities of the medium itself. A particularly much-debated issue has been whether verbal processing is necessary for actual therapy to take place. This book presents and discusses some of the crucial issues involved, and develops a theory to bring out potentials of an experiential, transformative music therapy, in which verbal processing, talking cure style, is not necessarily incorporated. Examples are given of improvisational music therapy, community-oriented practices, and receptive, listening-based music therapy.