A mysterious romantic thriller set in the late 1940s, "Peripheral Lies" tells the story of how several lives become entangled in a government operation that includes a web of deceit, murder, and international crime. Laura Chandler is the number one suspect in the murder investigation of Mark Swenson, a wealthy businessman, and she doesn't know where to turn for help. Paul Lambert, an attorney who is clueless about the mysterious happenings in his own law office, is sure of one thing-his undeniable attraction to his new secretary, Sheila Connery. But Lambert's assistant has a secret-she is working for the FBI as one of the first female agents in history. Sheila has gone undercover to investigate the CIA's involvement in 'Operation Paperclip,' a covert government manoeuvre to smuggle German rocket scientists and interrogation specialists out of Nazi Germany and into the United States. As Sheila defies the chauvinistic attitudes of the Deep South, she desperately hopes to discover who not only killed but mutilated her brother, Jimmy. Did Laura really kill Mark Swenson? In "Peripheral Lies", Sheila may find much more than she expects on the quest to find her brother's murderer.