The Workbook for Rau's Respiratory Care Pharmacology, 9th Edition features a variety of engaging learning exercises for each of the 23 chapters in the core text. Examples include NBRC-type questions, critical thinking exercises, case studies, definitions, and appropriate content review to further readers' understanding of challenging pharmacology principles, develop critical-thinking skills, and prepare for success on the NBRC exam.
Correlation with the main Rau's text creates a seamless transition for learners when moving between the two books.
Answer references back to the main text help readers easily review areas of weakness.
Variety of helpful pharmacology exercises reinforce key terms and definitions.
Case studies and critical thinking questions promotes the application of clinical skills.
NEW! More case study and analysis-style questions challenge readers to think critically about respiratory care pharmacology.
NEW! Incorporation of key illustrations from the text provides a visual review to enhance the study of important concepts.