The Almanac of American Education helps users understand and compare the quality of education at the national, state, and county levels. Compiled from official U.S. government and reliable private sources, the book contains historical and current data, insightful analysis, and useful graphs that provide compelling insights into the state of education in America. The appendix to this title functions as a guide to education resources on the Internet. It provides site descriptions and evaluations along with URLs, giving users the information they need to go directly to the sites that will be of greatest use to them. The Almanac provides national coverage of school enrollment and educational attainment, looking at American education from a variety of different angles. This edition contains numerous figures including the percentage of high school and college graduates in the population and enrollment status by age and level of education.
State-level statistics include: * average SAT and ACT scores * per-student expenditures * private and public school enrollment * student poverty * public school teacher salaries and teacher characteristics * regional comparative data County-level statistics include: * information on student/teacher ratios * free lunch eligibility * numbers of students and graduates * attainment levels * per-student expenditures New in the Sixth Edition: * a new selection of national tables on college enrollment and costs * new county-level estimates of child poverty and health insurance coverage Find the answers to questions including: * what are the nationwide trends in earnings by educational attainment level? * is the earnings gap between high school graduates and college graduates growing or shrinking? * which states have the highest and lowest teacher salaries? * which states have the largest county-to-county variation in student-teacher rations? * is there a relationship between student poverty rates and county-level expenditures per student?