A novel hyperspectral lifetime probe for autofluorescence; Miniature optical fiber pressure microsensors for in vivo measurement of intramuscular; Multispectral therapeutic endoscopy imaging and intervention; Modification of mid-infrared radiation spatial structure caused by COP/Ag hollow waveguide; Hollow core photonic crystal fiber surface enhanced Raman probe; The influence of fiber's photosensitivity by doping process; Study of optical fiber damage under tight bend with high optical power at 2140 nm; Simultaneous delivery of Er: YAG and Ho: YAG lasers by using a hollow optical fibers for endoscopic lithotripsy; Experimental evaluation of angularly-variable fiber geometry for targeting depth-resolved reflectance from layered epithelial tissue phantoms; Fiber-optic detection device for GC-UV; Polymer/metal sulfide coated hollow glass waveguides for delivery of Er: YAG laser radiation; ...