Containing approximately 500 entries, this detailed Dictionary gives authoritative and up-to-date information on ethnic groups involved in conflict. Entries are provided for current ethnic hotspots, irredentist claims, secessionist movements as well as major peace accords, with clear and concise definitions given for each specific conflict.
A country profile for each of the 191 UN member states is included, detailing the current ethnic make-up, as well as the history of ethnic relations in that country, with particular emphasis on periods of hostility or violence, attempts at conflict management and signings of peace agreements. Political parties, insurgency movements, international and national organizations are listed, with contact details and internet and e-mail addresses, where available.
Current concepts, theories and policies related to ethnic conflict are also covered in detail. Among those topics listed are: autonomy, ethnic identity, genocide, internal colonialism, macedonian syndrome, secession and velvet divorce.
Key Features:
includes both national and international disputes
fully cross-referenced for ease of use.