Human Rights and the Administration of Justice is the inaugural text of the Human Rights Institute of the International Bar Association and seeks to provide the legal practitioner, academic and student with the materials that reveal the extent of human rights protection, the procedures for bringing a complaint and the way in which the protection of human rights are incorporated into judicial procedures. As such it collects together materials including: - The texts of global and regional statements setting out fundamental human rights. - The rules of procedure of various international human rights tribunals. - International treaties and agreements on a range of specific aspects of the legal process reflecting how rights are (or should be) protected throughout the administration of justice. - The key human rights documents are introduced with an overview of the development and operation of human rights protection, and subsequent texts carry introductory notes.
Human Rights and the Administration of Justice is a unique volume providing access to materials setting out the cornerstone protection of human rights by the United Nations and regional organisations in Europe, America and Africa, through common guidelines and protection established in relation to the conduct of officials; the treatment of prisoners; the use of the death penalty; the protection of children; the interests of victims; the prohibition of torture; the punishment of genocide and international legal co-operation such as extradition and mutual assistance. The statutes and rules of procedure for the current international tribunals in the Former Yugoslavia and Rwanda are included.
Editor-in-chief: Gabriel Lafferranderie