How does the way in which we heat, cool, insulate, furnish, and ventilate our buildings affect our health? What is the association between physical and chemical conditions of indoor air and human health? This new book presents the latest breakthroughs in applied research in the areas of chemical sensitivity, allergies, bioaerosols, neurotoxicity, and carcinogenic effects of radon and tobacco smoke. Anyone involved in public health, including epidemiologists, health regulators, public health scientists, microbiologists, radiologists, organic chemists, environmental scientists, neurotoxicologists, and industrial hygienists, will find the information in Indoor Air and Human Health both practical and interesting.
Contributions by: Harriet A. Burge, Hugh A. Tilson, Donald T. Lysle, Barry A. Berven, Donald K. Milton, A.J. Streifel, Charles A. Greer, J. Enrique Cometto-Muniz, Michael H. Abraham