This volume contains the papers presented at the French Colonial Historical Society's fifteenth annual meeting held in 1989. Contents: La Pens?íee rÈvolutionnaire et la question coloniale: De l'anti-esclavagisme ‡ l'aboltionnisme; Les Archives de la Guadeloupe; Condorcet et les Colonies; Marronage, voodoo, and the Saint Domingue slave revolt of 1791; Robert Challe: Une Chronique Martiniquaise; Pacific de Provins and the Capuchin network in the French Colonies in Africa and America; La carriËre mouvementÈe de Charles Huaulet de Montmagny; Le chevalier de Boufflersau SÈnÈgal et la chevalier de Tourville ‡ Saint Domingue; The Interaction of French and British antislavery, 1789-1848; Les Portraits de Victor Hugues dans Le SiËcle des LuminiËres d'Alejo Carpentier; Orphans of War: United States Diplomacy and the French West Indies; The Pointe CoupÈe Slave Conspiracy; Desertion, treason and the concept of loyalty on the frontier of New Imperialism's New Clothes: The Mandate System in Tropical Africa. Co-published with the French Colonial Historical Society.