Jane Galer's background in philosophy has led her on a decades long quest for the feminine grail: the telling of woman's story in a way that captures the power of the Pre-Christian goddess as an ideal for strength and equality rather than an anachronism of the New Age. Her poetry is a journal of this grail quest. Whether writing as a traveler connecting to Ireland as the land of her ancestors or exploring the honor and obligation of shamanic power, Galer is a poet in search of the Divine Feminine. Her poems revive a lost sense of power and authority to the woman's voice, yet remain personal and intimate.
This collection of poems ranges from shamanic songs, guides, and directives to love letters and poems of place, but through them all is the common theme of desire: erotic, personal, and powerful. The reader's sense of growing intimacy with Galer's journey brings with it an obligation to join her in celebration.