Derived algebraic geometry is a far-reaching generalization of algebraic geometry. It has found numerous applications in various parts of mathematics, most prominently in representation theory. This volume develops the theory of ind-coherent sheaves in the context of derived algebraic geometry. Ind-coherent sheaves are a "renormalization" of quasi-coherent sheaves and provide a natural setting for Grothendieck-Serre duality as well as geometric incarnations of numerous categories of interest in representation theory.
This volume consists of three parts and an appendix. The first part is a survey of homotopical algebra in the setting of $infty$-categories and the basics of derived algebraic geometry. The second part builds the theory of ind-coherent sheaves as a functor out of the category of correspondences and studies the relationship between ind-coherent and quasi-coherent sheaves. The third part sets up the general machinery of the $mathrm{(}infty, 2mathrm{)}$-category of correspondences needed for the second part. The category of correspondences, via the theory developed in the third part, provides a general framework for Grothendieck's six-functor formalism. The appendix provides the necessary background on $mathrm{(}infty, 2mathrm{)}$-categories needed for the third part.