Field Guide to the End of the World - Poems
Field Guide to the End of the World, winner of the 2015 MoonCity Poetry Award, delivers a whimsical look at our culture’sobsession with apocalypse as well as a thoughtful reflectionon our resources in the face of disasters both large and small,personal and public. Pop-culture characters—from MarthaStewart and Wile E. Coyote to zombie strippers and teenvampires—deliver humorous but insightful commentary onsurvival and resilience through poems that span imaginedscenarios that are not entirely beyond the realm of possibility.The characters face their apocalypses in numerous ways,from strapping on rollerblades and swearing to taking notesas barns burn on the horizon. At the end of the world, themost valuable resource is human connection—someoneholding our hands, reminding us “we are miraculous.”