Need answers quickly? QuickBooks® 2009 on Demand provides those answers in a visual step-by-step format. We will show you exactly what to do through lots of full color illustrations and easy-to-follow instructions.
- Produce and customize reports that show exactly how your company is doing
- Schedule transactions so you’ll never forget a due date again
- Bill time and expenses directly to customers
- Use the new QuickBooks features for 2009, including a redesigned Payroll Center and the new Accountant’s Copy that lets you keep working while your accountant reviews your books
- Create and use a budget
- Reconcile your bank account to the penny without waiting for the bank statement to come in the mail
- Keep detailed records of fixed asset acquisitions
- Protect financial information with the latest in security techniques
- Send customized mailings to your customers and vendors
- Learn tips and shortcuts to help make your QuickBooks experience more efficient and to customize your program to fit your style
- Process transactions the right way by following the accounting rules interspersed throughout the book
Introduction xv
Chapter 1: Setting Up Your Company with the EasyStep Interview 1
Chapter 2: Setting Up and Using Payroll Features 27
Chapter 3: Adding or Changing Information After the Interview Is Completed 69
Chapter 4: Invoicing and Collecting Income 107
Chapter 5: Making Purchases and Recording Payments 141
Chapter 6: Collecting and Paying Sales Tax 171
Chapter 7: Using Time-Saving Features 185
Chapter 8: Job Cost Estimating and Tracking 199
Chapter 9: Tracking Time 219
Chapter 10: QuickBooks Tips and Tricks 237
Chapter 11: Using the QuickBooks Online Features 263
Chapter 12: Preparing Income Tax Returns 295
Chapter 13: Security 309
Chapter 14: Using Inventory Features 328
Chapter 15: Recording Your Assets 349
Chapter 16: Recording Owners' Equity 363
Chapter 17: Recording Liabilities 371
Chapter 18: Preparing the Top Ten QuickBooks Reports 387
Workshops 411
Index 423