This volume lists and annotates more than two thousand articles, books, dissertations, and papers that, with few exceptions, appeared in 1994. It includes an index of authors and editors, a subject index, and entries cross-referenced according to subject matter.The 1994 "Bibliography "looks dramatically different from the "Bibliography "Erika Lindemann founded more than ten years ago. Many more titles now relate to fields not represented in early editions. Although composition and rhetoric has always borrowed methods of investigation from other disciplines, areas such as critical theory, science studies, feminist theory, technology studies, and postmodern theory were much less a part of the discipline a decade ago. These fields are well represented this year. This volume, like the 1993 "Bibliography, "also differs from early editions in that it contains a section on electronic discussion groups or listservs, including information on how readers may join the various groups.Yet the mission and goals of the "Bibliography "remain the same: to ensure that it is sufficiently comprehensive that it can continue to function as a major bibliographical resource available to scholars and teachers in rhetoric, composition, communication, and literary education.As usual, the "CCCC Bibliography of Composition and Rhetoric "draws on a large group of experts in the field. Annotationswhich accompany every entry in this volumedescribe a publication s contents and are intended to help users determine the entry s usefulness. Annotations are brief and are meant to be descriptive, not evaluative: they explain what an entry is about but leave readers free to judge for themselves the work s merits.The "CCCC Bibliography of Composition and Rhetoric "remains a critical bibliographical resource, one that reflects and respects the variety of scholarship in composition studies and that exerts a constructive, productive influence on the composition and rhetoric community. "