The right prayer is a heartfelt dialogue with God. We learn to pray in ourselves, to God in us. God dwells in the soul of every person – thus, He is always near us, He listens and understands us. Everyone can learn to speak with Him in prayer. When we speak into our inner being in prayer, we experience God. But true prayer needs to be learned, because the right kind of prayer, to pray into ourselves, is a dialogue with God. Only once our prayer is a profound prayer, once we have learned to pray in the center of the power of the Christ of God and feel along with our prayers, do we feel that we are suddenly carried by a power that is always present. If we fulfill our prayers in daily life by filling our life with it and thus doing the Will of God, then we approach the center of love that is in us. We go to God. Gabriele explains, among other things, about the inner prayer, the prayer of experience and the prayer of the deed, the right posture while praying—with practical exercises also provided in this small book—and what we can do when thoughts intrude during prayer...
"These genuine deep impulses of strength, which flow from our prayer, positive, selfless thought energies, may help our neighbor to understand his suffering or even to bear it, or they help him to find his way in prayer to Christ, who is helper, advisor and healer."
"A prayer without inner participation is not a prayer, but merely a stammering of prayer words."
"The prayers of petition flow through our body. They flow to without. Via the palms of our hands, via our fingertips, they go to the people for whom we pray, to the life form that we remembered in prayer. ... A circulation of energy begins to flow in us. This circulation of spiritual power becomes tangible: We breathe more calmly. We are more concentrated. We feel lighter and fresher. We sense the nearness of the Christ of God."