These pieces for open strings are intended to complement the first book of the Koeppen Cello Method, but may also be used alongside any other tutorial method. The pieces are also suitable for young musicians’ very first performances.
Various well-known songs and popular rhythms will readily be memorised to reinforce progress. Pupils play open strings throughout, beginning with very simple rhythms and moving on to more demanding patterns later. At the same time the melodies are heard, sometimes in a richly textured accompaniment (teacher’s part) - really making music, right from the start!
Im All / In Space
American Dressing
Old MacDonald Had A Farm
She’ll Be Coming Round The Mountain
Rock My Soul
Freude, schöner Götterfunken / Song Of Joy (L. van Beethoven)
Can Can (J. Offenbach)
Morning Blues
Bauerntanz / Peasants’ Dance
Eurovisionsmelodie / Eurovision Theme Tune (M.A. Charpentier)
Rocky Zocky
Sinfonie mit dem Paukenschlag / Symphony ‘Surprise’ (J. Haydn)
Jamaica Rum
Die Moldau / Vlatava (B. Smetana)
Auf dem Jahrmarkt / At The Fair
Oh Susanna (I Come From Alabama)
Walking Rag
When The Saints Go Marching In
Bazar / Bazaar
Holzschuhtanz / Clog Dance
Echospiel / Echo Game
It’s Rock Time
Irish Stew
Wiegenlied / Lullaby (F. Schubert)
Nieselregen / Drizzle
Karussell / Merry-go-round
Marsch der Zinnsoldaten / March Of The Tin Soldiers
Wilhelm Tell (G. Rossini)
Schlittschuhwalzer / Skaters’ Waltz
Bill The Fiddler
Plastic Fantastic
If You’re Happy And You Know It
Horse Named Matilda
O du fröhliche / Oh, How Joyfully
Ihr Kinderlein, kommet / Oh Come Little Children
Lasst uns froh und munter sein
Lasst uns froh und munter sein
Stille Nacht / Silent Night
Leise rieselt der Schnee
Jingle Bells