Learn to discover your intuitive power to guide yourself and others into self-mastery. This book is a result of research and many years of experience in the field of professional mentoring, coaching and migrant integration. You are introduced to reflections and a holistic mentoring framework based on intuition.You are also invited into this trip of self-mastery based on physical, emotional, mental, and existential aspects. You are invited to learn to see yourself and others as a whole learning about recurring constraints, challenges and how to tap into self-mastery to help yourself and others in transition challenges, such as that of physical migration but also emotional and mental migration into a new way of seeing life. This framework offers you a new way of approaching problems with integration per se and how to tackle challenges, moving towards your goals or re-discovering your talents.This book is an asset if you would like to help others integrate as well, find a holistic tool to support others, whether you are working daily with people or improving the relationship with yourself.The framework developed and tested here is based on teachings from old civilizations, Eastern medicine, tapping into medical intuition and introducing you to the energy system within human beings.
Gabi Gal is a psychic medium, holistic coach and mentor. She has researched in the field of migration, entrepreneurship and ethnic relations, studied Energy/Chinese Medicine, Naturopathy, Peace and Development Studies, Health Sciences and Hypnotherapy. She has worked in the field of migrant integration over 10 years, both in the public and private sectors. She is also a medical intuitive. www.gabigal.se