It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia: 2012 Wall Calendar
Wake up, donkeys, the gang is back! Paddy's Pub continues to bring out the absolute worst in Mac, Dennis, Dee, Charlie, and Frank. One of the funniest and most original sitcoms on television, "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia" further appalls and delights its audience with every absurd, foul-mouthed adventure.
* Simultaneously hilarious and edgy, and veering wildly from high satire to low blows, "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia" is one of those "cult hits" that everybody loves.
* Featuring fan-favorite scenes and quotes from the latest season, "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia 2012 Wall Calendar" will be in stores just as the season 6 DVD boxed sets are released.
It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia (tm) and (c) 2010 FX Networks, LLC.