Wireless applications are definitely the next big thing in communications. Millions of people around the world use the Internet every day - to stay in touch with remote locations, follow the stock market, keep up with the news, check the weather, make travel plans, conduct business, shop, entertain themselves, and learn. The logical next step is the development of the wireless Internet, where cell phones, PDAs, and laptops let us receive and send e-mails, and perform all the activities that we are currently performing over the wireline Internet.
Filled with contributions from international experts, Wireless Internet Handbook: Technologies, Standards, and Applications describes basic concepts, current developments, and future trends in designing modern architectures. The book covers:
Wireless local access techniques to the mobile Internet
User mobility in IP networks
Multimedia streaming over wireless Internet
Quality of service issues
Location management techniques and clustering architectures
Wireless Internet security issues
Bluetooth, CDMA, TDMA, Wireless Application Protocol, 802.11x, and more
Different mobile and wireless Internet services
Wireless Internet enterprise applications
Mobile multimedia and graphics applications
Mobile video telephony
Wireless video surveillance
Wireless applications in medicine
The scope of the information covered and the expertise of leading researchers and industry professionals combine to make Wireless Internet Handbook: Technologies, Standards, and Applications the definitive resource on current and future trends in designing modern architectures for the wireless Internet.