Paradigm's all-new Computers: Understanding Technology provides comprehensive, up-to-date coverage of computer concepts-including hardware, software, networks, and the Internet, as well as programming, security, and ethics. Available in this Comprehensive version, the fifth edition is competency-based and objective-driven. It gives you and your students:
Interactivity. A responsive design that guides students to become active learners.
Precheck and Recheck quizzes test student competency on each learning objective in the course and helps them track their progress.
Diverse learning resources like video tutorials and research articles meet the unique learning preferences of individual students.
Flexible content delivery. Choose the method that works best for your class.
SNAP with Integrated eBook:
Students and instructors can access all course resources through a web-based training and assessment system. Key assignments, quizzes, and test results are uploaded into an online gradebook.
SNAP automatically returns a customized Study Plan for each student, with concept-level feedback and links to the resources that will help the student master the corresponding learning objective.
Multiplatform eBook:
Students can hyperlink to additional content, flash cards, interactive chapter summaries and glossary, and games.
eBook provides immediate feedback on Precheck and Recheck quizzes, as well as selected end-of-chapter exercises.