CD / Album
1. Nothing
2. Community Breast Nada
3. Players Theatre Nada - Dada
4. Garnicht
5. Nothing
6. Supergirl
7. Aaah, Sunflower, Weary Of Time
8. I'm Going To Kill Myself Over
9. Johnny Pissoff And The Red Angel
10. Two Drunkards On The Spaceship
11. As My Moog Weeps
12. Street Punk
13. Fragmentation Bomb
14. The Enormous Truth Of Tuli
15. War Song '68
16. When The Mode Of The Music Changes
17. Elegy For Robert Kennedy
18. War Kills Babies
19. The Fugs National Anthem
20. The Fugs Spaghetto Death - No Redemption No Redemption (A Glop Of Spaghetti For Andy Warhol)
21. The Rhapsody Of Tuli
1. Frenzy
2. I Want to Know
3. Skin Flowers
4. Group Grope
5. Coming Down
6. Dirty Old Man
7. Kill For Peace
8. Morning Morning
9. Doin' All Right
10. Virgin Forest
11. I Want to Know
12. Mutant Stomp
13. Carpe Diem
14. Wide, Wide River
15. Nameless Voices Crying For Kindness
1. We Don't Allow No Robots In Sunday School
2. Crystal Liaison
3. The Peace Eye Sequence
4. Six Pack Of Sunshine
5. Four Minutes To Twelve
6. Carpe Diem
7. J Edgar Hoover Is Paranoid
8. The Final Moments Of J Humpington Billsworth
9. Jimmy Joe, The Hippybilly Boy
10. The Garden Is Open
11. Johnny Pissoff #2
12. I Couldn't Get High
13. Breadtray Mountain
1. Slum Goddess
2. Ah, Sunflower Weary Of Time
3. Supergirl
4. Swinburne Stomp
5. I Couldn't Get High
6. How Sweet I Roamed From Field To Field
7. Carpe Diem
8. My Baby Done Left Me
9. Boobs a Lot
10. Nothing
11. We're The Fugs
12. Defeated
13. The Ten Commandments
14. Cia Man
15. In The Middle Of Their First Recording Session The Fugs Sign The Worst Contract Since Leadbelly's
16. I Saw The Best Minds Of My Generation Rock
17. Spontaneous Salute At Andy Warhol