Mediation Career Guide: A Strategic Approach to Bu Building a Successful Practice
In this definitive guide, Forrest Mosten--an internationallyrecognized mediation expert--helps would-be mediators answer thecritical question "Do I have the values, skills, personality, andcommitment necessary to mediate?"
A comprehensive resource, the book also explores a wealth of timelytopics including the need to establish standards of the profession,how to maintain confidentiality, the pros and cons of co-mediation,and the place of mediation in the process of court and law reform.Straightforward and reader-friendly, the Mediation Career Guide isfilled with practice tips, self-surveys, diagrams, readingresources, a list of training programs and volunteer opportunities,budget forms, and model standards of conduct. This hands-onresource is designed to make the challenging journey of becoming apeacemaker a one-step-at-a-time manageable process.