Now in its sixth year, the
Max Planck Yearbook of United Nations Law has become a much sought-after forum for essays in international law related to the UN. These essays again cover a variety of topics: from opening the International Court of Justice to Third States to the Security Council's authorization of enforcement action by Regional Organisations, from Financial Mechanisms in Environmental Agreements to questions of impunity under international human rights law and the prosecution of human rights offenders. The new volume also contains essays e.g. on the UNESCO Convention on Underwater Cultural Heritage, ITLOS and its first six years, and the International Criminal Court. The status of the Taliban under International Law and current questions of submarine warfare are also subject of analysis.
This book is has become a must for any academic or practitioner involved in international law and questions concerning the UN.
For more information on this yearbook please visit the website of the
Max Planck InstituteThis yearbook is also available online, please
click here.
Contributions by: Bimal N. Patel, Shabtai Rosenne