ZEUS (Centres of European Supercomputing) is a network for information exchange and co-operation between European Supercomputer Centres. During the fall of 1994 the idea was put forward to start an annual workshop to stimulate the exchange of ideas and experience in parallel programming and computing between researchers and users from industry and academia. The first workshop in this series, the ZEUS '95 Workshop on Parallel Programming and Computation, is organized at Linkoping University, where the Swedish ZEUS centre, NSC (National Supercomputer Centre) is located. This is open for all researchers and users in the field of parallel computing. NTUG, the Nordic Transputer User Group, is an organization that provides a forum for information exchange regarding the use of transputers, mainly in parallel processing and real-time applications. An annual/biannual workshop is organized to stimulate contacts between users. By combining the ZEUS '95 and NTUG '95 events, a broader coverage of various aspects of parallel computing, from numerical applications and parallel programming to real-time systems, is presented in this volume.