A substantial proportion of surviving late-antique conciliar homilies
are by Theodotus, metropolitan bishop of Ancyra. Here presented in
English translation, they provide valuable evidence for an essential and
effective means of communication by which councils presented and
enforced themselves. The analysis relates their content to the conciliar
settings, considers the conventions of ancient rhetoric, and reflects
the reception of the texts, especially through collections of conciliar
documents. The book clarifies the regional parameters and disputes over
episcopal territorial authority in which Theodotus' theology and
pastoral activity developed. Both informed his overall positive and
constructive perspective on faith and the role of preachers and bishops,
promoting unity and cohesion. The analysis of Theodotus' involvement in
the First Council of Ephesus, especially in the techniques used to shape
and preserve allegiances and to defend a view or decision, contributes
to an understanding of the processes of identity formation, seeking
agreement, and proclaiming consensus, even when it had not been achieved.