Text extracted from opening pages of book: JOSEPH LEWIS FRENCH L. C. & f BOSTON* PUBLISHERS Copyright, 1899 BY L. C. PAGE & COMPANY ( INCORPORATED) All rights reserved Made in U. S. A. LEONARDO DA VINCI. HEAD OF CHRIST. ( A Study foi the Las> t Supper.) . Erera Gallery Milan. Iff GRATEFUL REMEMBRANCE FOREWORD. OUT of religion, which may be broadly defined as the stronger elements of the human soul, concentrating first in fear, then in superstition, and finally in faith, has mainly sprung not only such art as the world knows to-day, but much that is lost for ever. It is but the natural law of progression the law that set the stars in their courses that the fear of ages ago, which first implanted a god in the breast of primeval man, should have passed through the fiery furnace of superstition finally to triumph as the faith which is the corner-stone of the Christian religion. The subject of the Christ is thus un-5 6 FOREWORD. doubtedly the greatest that has ever en tered into the domain of Art. As proof of its importance, and of the high service to religion of its handmaiden, Art, in the Christian cycles, there has never been, and never can be, a greatest picture of the Sa viour, one on which the verdict of all Time will be united, but a series of them. Those representations which have best satisfied the ideal of their time belong in this cate gory. The present brochure is simply a brief effort to set down in order some of the attempts that have been made, under varying degrees of inspiration and influ ence, to picture the Saviour and His life work. JOSEPH LEWIS FRENCH. CONTENTS. CHAPTER PAGB FOREWORD . . . . . . 5 I. INTRODUCTION 13 II. THE CHRIST - CHILD 35 III. CHRIST AS TEACHER ANDHEALER . . 69 IV. CHRIST AS MARTYR . . . . . 137 V, CHRIST DEAD AND ARISEN . . . 221 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. PAGE LEONARDO DA VINCI. Head of Christ. ( A study for the Last Supper.) Frontispiece Brera Gallery, Milan, GHIRLANDAJO. Christ Calling St. Peter and St. Andrew 21 Sistine Chafel, Rome. TITIAN. The Redeemer 25 Pitti Gallery, Florence. LE ROLLE. Arrival of the Shepherds 39 CORREGGIO. Repose in Egypt 49 Ujfizi Gallery, Florence. LUINI. Christ in the Temple 55 National Gallery, London. GUIDO RENI. Christ and St. John 59 National Gallery, London. MTTRILLO. Christ-child. ( From the Holy Family.) . 63 National Gallery, London. VEROCCHIO. Baptism of Christ ( detail) ..*... 73 A cademy, Florence. ARY SCHEFFER. The Temptation of Christ .... 81 VERONESE. Marriage at Cana ( detail) 85 Louvre, Paris. HOLMAN HUNT. The Light of the World .... 99 BAROCCIO. The Saviour 105 Pitti Gallery, Florence. RAPHAEL. Transfiguration 3 Vatican Gallery t Rome.