A telling expose denoting how the lack of emotional security, love and nurturing during childhood adversely affects and hinders a young girl in and throughout adulthood. Lacking the basic building blocks of inner strength and self-worth, Camelia flees her eastern roots and stumbles out into a world seemingly full of hope and promise. Drawn westward, her naivete and trusting nature become her downfall as unscrupulous men take advantage of her ready affection and gullibility to serve their own ends. Strange encounters enter her life at seemingly inappropriate times to guide her and she savors these teachings. Moving from job to job and place to place, Camelia seeks to fill an emotional deficit and nurture a woeful soul. Mindlessly needy, she longs for love and affection only to have it repeatedly ripped out from under her. Men she hands over her heart to invariably leave her. Children she bears and loves disappear from her life. The scars of rejection prove to be deep and lasting. Trying to sort out her life and the people in it, Camelia makes bad choices and travels down wrong roads in her quest for love and sensual completion. Only by going to hell and back does Camelia develop strength and wisdom. Only by giving does one gain. Only with confidence does one obtain. Only by inner peace can one find lasting happiness.