Romania is out of step with its neighbors-including the Soviet Union and several other Communist East European countries, who seem to be moving away from the vestiges of Stalinism while Romania is moving toward it. As if to create a dynasty, Nicolae Ceausescu, the Romanian leader, has embarked on an extensive program of destroying entire historic towns and replacing them with monuments to his own era, has spurred an entire body of Romanian literature devoted to himself and his wife, seems to be grooming his son to take over the government, and has filled key posts with members of his own family. The Romanian economy has been driven by whims of its leader: agriculture has been neglected, industries are big money losers, and Romanians suffer shortages of electricity, heat and food. Romania is today the most oppressive regime in Europe, with a disastrous human rights record. To address the complicated situation in Romania, Freedom House invited nine prominent Romanians and Hungarians to discuss the issues, yielding fascinating observations concerning the nature of the Romanian political system and the possibility of its change.